ASTS is committed to improving the diversity of our transplant workforce by supporting transplant surgeons from diverse backgrounds, including groups that have been shown to be under-represented. ASTS leadership believes that diversification of our workforce is imperative to achieving and sustaining the mission of the organization, and is launching the first of many new opportunities associated with the ASTS Workforce Diversification Initiative.
We invite applications for funding to attend the 2020 Laparoscopic Donor Nephrectomy (LDN) Workshop and Comprehensive Donation after Circulatory Death (DCD) Workshops. The ASTS Diversity Issues Committee seeks applications from women and individuals from under-represented ethnic groups who are interested in hands-on training in the LDN and/or DCD procedures. Applicants must be an ASTS Fellow or an ASTS Regular Surgeon Member to be eligible.
Applicants should submit a CV/resume and a brief personal statement (250 words) describing why they are interested in and how they would benefit from attending the workshops. Click here to submit your application materials.
The deadline for applications is March 2, 2020. Applicants will be notified of the committee's decision by March 10, 2020.
The workshops will be held 29 Apr – 01 May, 2020, in Houston, Texas. Visit to learn more.