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New Study: Donated Kidneys From Marijuana-Using Donors Seems Safe

Live kidney donation by marijuana smokers seems safe for donors and recipients, according to the results of a new study published in Clinical Kidney Journal. The study also finds no difference in post-operative kidney function between...

source: By Lynn Hetzler
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The study reveals variations in batch notification practices across Organ Procurement Organizations before and after the KAS250 allocation policy, with increased time spent on kidney allocation and out-of-sequence allocation.

source: American Journal of Transplantation

Knowledge about organ donation and transplantation influences health behaviors and perceptions, potentially impacting HRQoL. Future anxiety may mediate this relationship.

source: World Journal of Psychiatry via PubMed Central

This study introduces the Random Survival Forest model for survival analysis in kidney transplantation, evaluating its performance through a simulated dataset and hyperparameter tuning strategies.

source: BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making via BioMed Central

Liver transplants improve survival rates for decompensated liver disease patients, but increased viral infections and reactivation risk persist posttransplant.

source: Gastroenterology Hepatology and Endoscopy Practice via Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.

The study evaluates the effectiveness of early liver transplantation in acutely ill recipients with alcohol use disorder, comparing it to standard liver transplantation.

source: Transplantation Direct via Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.

This study evaluates the impact of chronic and nonactive HBV infection on patient and graft survival after kidney transplantation, focusing on dialysis patients and vaccine response.

source: Journal of Clinical Medicine via MDPI


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