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Wellness Resources

Wellness Resources



Peer Support Program 

Have you or a colleague experienced an adverse event or other situation? A confidential talk with a transplant surgeon trained in supporting others might help.

Fill out our anonymous peer support form and one of our trained peer supporters will reach out. 

If you could benefit from talking with a transplant surgeon trained in supporting others, or would like to refer someone you know, please enter your or their name and a brief description of the situation below. If you know their preferred contact information, please enter that as well. 

All referrals are confidential. You may choose to remain anonymous or provide your contact information.

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Your job as a surgeon is physically demanding. We've put together some exercises and stretches to help relieve pain and improve your physical wellbeing. 

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Spotlight: Surgeon Wellness

As a surgeon, prioritizing wellness is critical to preventing burnout and relieving stress! The Wellness Committee has launched this project to highlight how ASTS members focus on self-care!


Meredith Barrett, MD

Assistant Professor of Surgery, Transplant Surgery / Surgical Director of Pediatric Transplantation, Michigan Medicine

What media are you consuming?

Twitter and Instagram, and lots of books!

What are you passionate about other than transplant?

BarrettWWMy favorite activity currently is spending time with my family. We recently had a baby, which has brought a whole lot of fun to my life and reaffirmed just how amazing all women (not just surgeon moms) are! I also like being active with running and the peloton. I have run 10 marathons and many other races. My last 5K was when I was 32 weeks pregnant but hope to get back to it soon!

How does this activity help you achieve balance and help prevent burnout?

I love my job but getting to step away from the hustle and bustle of transplant and go on a run in nature can really help me recenter myself. I often listen to a podcast to free my mind but sometimes I like to visualize the case I will be doing that day (I am a morning worker-outer), and I find that actually helps me de-stress and feel prepared for the day ahead.

What is your advice to people considering transplant as a career?

Do it! I think we have the most amazing and incredible jobs. We get to be witnesses to miracles everyday and transform the lives of our patients in such a palpable way. As a woman (and now mom) in transplant, ask me about the feasibility of the transplant lifestyle if you want to have a family or a life outside of the hospital. I tell them the lifestyle can be unpredictable but also can be awesome for getting time with your kids. My first week back from maternity leave I did a overnight pediatric transplant. Operating all night isn't for everyone but I got to put my baby to bed and then I was back shortly after she woke up for more snuggles--AND I got to give a baby a new liver in between!

How does your passion help you improve your professional abilities?

Practice makes you a good technician. Passion makes you a good doctor.

What do you do to decompress after a busy week at work?

Family time and working out are my go tos, but I have also found myself on quite the true crime kick as of late. There is no explanation for it but dang its ADDICTING.

Follow Dr. Barrett on X or Instagram @sparklyscalpel.

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Additional Resources

Treatment Centers

Find treatment centers for mental and substance use disorders in the U.S.

Legal Support

Find a legal professional referred by ASTS members.


Thank you to Sanofi for supporting our Wellness Efforts!

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Thank you to Veloxis for supporting our Peer Support Program!

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