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ASTS Welcomes New Councilors and Committee Chairs at 2017 Business Meeting

May 16, 2017, 09:53 AM by User Not Found

The President-Elect and Councilor election results were announced at the ASTS Annual Business Meeting on May 2, 2017. Dixon B. Kaufman, MD, PhD; is the new President-Elect; A. Osama Gaber, MD, is the new Secretary; new Councilors are Talia B. Baker, MD, Jonathan P. Fryer, MD, and Alan I. Reed, MD, MBA; and the first Associate Councilor is Georgeine Smith, MS, MHS, PA-C.

The new committee chairs are:

    • Matthew Cooper (ATC Planning)
    • Haley Hoy (ATP)
    • Jason Wertheim (Cellular Transplantation)
    • Sander Florman (Ethics)
    • Jim Pomposelli (Legislative/Regulatory Committee)
    • Michael Zimmerman (Living Donation)
    • Sunil Geevarghese (Membership and Workforce)
    • Ty Dunn (Scientific Studies)
    • David Mason (Thoracic Organ Transplant)

During the meeting, members heard updates on committee activities and progress. View the Leadership Perspectives video here.

Dr. Pruett thanked those whose terms of service were ending:

Officer: Peter G. Stock, MD, PhD


  • Ginny Bumgardner, MD, PhD
  • Kenneth D. Chavin, MD, PhD

Committee Chairs:

  • David Mercer (ATC)
  • Georgeine Smith (ATP)
  • Martin Wijkstrom (Cellular Transplantation)
  • Michael Millis (Ethics)
  • Talia Baker (Living Donation)
  • Juan Rocca (Membership and Workforce)
  • Kareem Abu-Elmagd (Reimbursement and Regulatory Compliance)
  • Chris Marsh (Scientific Studies)
  • Abbas Ardehali (Thoracic Organ Transplant)
Dr. Pruett and Dr. EmondThe meeting ended with the official passing of the gavel from Dr. Pruett to Jean C. Emond, MD, the new president of ASTS.

The complete 2017-2018 Council list is available here and committee lists are available in the Member Portal under My ASTS Committees or on the public committees page.