The Division of Transplantation (DoT), Health Resources and Services Administration will hold two upcoming webinars for the Workplace Partnership for Life 2017 National Hospital Organ Donation Campaign:
Provides an overview of campaign goals, best practices, and resources, and offers planning support, registration tracking guidance, and a Q&A session.
Highlights the 2017 campaign, including communications resources and strategies, refreshed 2017 activity scorecard, and future webinar dates, and features best practices presented by an OPO/hospital team.
Webinars are open to all new and returning partners in the campaign, including hospitals, hospital associations, community partners, and donation organizations. To join: Go to to be connected to the web portion and dial 1- 888-566-1292 and enter participant PIN 7427225.
The campaign encourages hospitals and community partners to implement activities that promote enrollment in state donor registries. Hospitals work with their donation organizations and hospital associations. DoT offers support by hosting coaching and best practices webinars, providing turnkey communications pieces and a list of recommended activities, and by recognizing partners for their participation. Since 2011, the campaign has added nearly 400,000 donor enrollments to state registries.
Currently, 206 transplant centers are enrolled. Help us get to the goal of 100% participation—please check and make sure your center gets involved!
Visit the campaign webpage for more information, and email to sign up to receive campaign News & Updates.