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ASTS Welcomes New Councilors and Committee Chairs at 2016 Business Meeting

Aug 3, 2016, 17:15 PM by User Not Found

The President-Elect and Councilor election results were announced at the ASTS Annual Business Meeting on June 14, 2016. Jean C. Emond, MD, is the new President-Elect and the three new Councilors are Peter L. Abt, MD, Wendy J. Grant, MD, and Randall S. Sung, MD.

The new committee chairs are:

  • David A. Axelrod, MD, MBA (Standards and Quality)
  • David P. Foley, MD (Grants Review)
  • Julie K. Heimbach, MD (Communications)
  • Ryutaro Hirose, MD (Fellowship Training)
  • Daniela P. Ladner, MD, MPH (Vanguard)
  • Matthew H. Levine, MD, PhD (CME)
  • Marc L. Melcher, MD, PhD (Curriculum)
  • David F. Mercer, MD, PhD (ATC Planning)

During the meeting, members heard updates on committee activities and progress.

committee reports
After the reports and discussion, Dr. Miller recognized those whose terms of service were ending:

Officer: Alan N. Langnas, DO


  • Douglas G. Farmer, MD
  • James F. Markmann, M, PhD
  • Mark D. Stegall, MD

Committee Chairs:

  • Jonathan S. Bromberg, MD, PhD
  • Michael J. Englesbe, MD
  • Sander S. Florman, MD
  • Wendy J. Grant, MD
  • Stuart M. Greenstein, MD
  • Richard J. Knight, MD
  • Randall S. Sung, MD
  • Kenneth Washburn, MD

Dr. Miller then thanked ASTS’ corporate supporters and presented representatives of each company with a commemorative award. A drawing was held for a Winter Symposium VIP Package, and the recipient was Sommer Gentry.
Dr. Gentry wins the drawing

The meeting ended with the official passing of the gavel from Dr. Miller to Timothy L. Pruett, MD, the new president of ASTS.
Drs. Miller and Pruett

The complete 2016-2017 Council list is available here and committee lists are available in the Member Portal under My ASTS Committees or in PDF form here.