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AJT Launches New iPad App

Jul 22, 2013, 09:14 AM by User Not Found

Get complete issues of the American Journal of Transplantation on your iPad! This newly designed full-text journal issue app offers complete access (free for a limited time) to new issues of the journal and includes:

  • Free access to the FULL text of all articles for a limited time
  • Subscribe option allows you to automatically background download new issues as they publish
  • Downloaded issues are always available, even offline!
  • Configurable push-notifications alert you to new issues
  • Up-to-the-minute information on forthcoming events related to transplantation
  • Networking features to easily share articles with colleagues – emailed articles include the first page of text
  • Bookmarks to save important articles for easy reference later
  • Intuitive bookmark management system
  • Adjustable font sizes for articles
  • Search across the full text of all downloaded issues
Download the app today!

Got questions? Check out the app instructions page.