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ASTS Establishes Rising Stars in Transplantation Award

Oct 13, 2015, 09:19 AM by User Not Found
Transplantation has always been an academically oriented field. The decline in NIH funding, and the growing fiscal pressures requiring increased clinical productivity, both serve to disadvantage young transplant surgeons trying to secure NIH grants. Because of this, it is now more difficult for these young transplant surgeons to achieve promotion in tenure tracks, and to obtain tenure itself. But, promotion to Associate, or Full Professor, and ability to obtain tenure still remain important goals for these individuals. Additionally, tenure track promotions committees may not appreciate the nature of original and seminal work that is of great importance to our field. Many institutions view federal funding as objective criteria to assess an individual’s body of scholarly work for originality, importance, and peer recognition. To demonstrate this in the absence of NIH funding, ASTS has established the Rising Stars in Transplantation Surgery Award, which gives recognition from the leading Society of transplantation surgery that these individuals have made a significant, profound, or potentially transformative contribution to the discipline.

Nominations are due October 28, 2015. The award will be presented at the 16th Annual ASTS State of the Art Winter Symposium in Miami, January 14-17, 2016.