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Program Director: Daniela Ladner, Northwestern University
Contact: kcrylen@nm.org
Description: As a gateway for a clinician-scientist career, this T35 Summer Program aims to offer academically promising medical students a rich and didactic summer research basic science or outcomes research experience in NIDDK areas
of interest. The T35 program has assembled 33 federally, primarily NIDDK funded T35 mentors with excellent mentorship track record for 8 T35 trainees.
Applications for this opportunity closed on June 1, 2024
Program description: The Visiting Student Diversity Scholarship Program is designed to give students the experience of rotating as a surgical "Acting Intern" (4th year medical student) at the Thomas Jefferson University Department of Surgery. The "Acting Intern" will function in the role of a surgical intern and will be required to attend all conferences including core curriculum, morbidity and mortality conference, rotation-based clinical case conferences, and simulation lab experiences with the surgery residents.
Learn moreApplications closed on December 1, 2024
Description: American Journal of Transplantation invites applications between December 1, 2024 and January 15, 2025 for the AJT Editorial Fellowship Program. The Editorial Fellowship is a year-long editorial experience in the publication
and peer review process to fellows and junior faculty in transplant-related fields, including a Basic Science track. The fellowship offers a unique opportunity for the fellows to network with AJT editors through mentorship and participation
in key journal initiatives
Program Director: Ginny L. Bumgardner, MD, PhD and Jon Wisler, MD, MS
Institution: The Ohio State University College of Medicine
Contact: Anna Patterson, Program Manager, Research Education, Department of Surgery at anna.patterson@osumc.edu.
Description: The Ohio State University Department of Surgery’s Advanced Research Training in Immunology for Surgery Trainees (ARTIST T32) program is designed to inspire, train and sustain a robust pipeline of surgeon scientists
pursuing translational immunology research. The program integrates rigorous mentored research training in immunology and professional career development alongside clinical training for surgical trainees with exceptional academic achievement, clinical
skills, professionalism and leadership potential.
Program Director: Allan Kirk, MD, PhD
Institution: Duke University School of Medicine
Description: The Advanced Immunobiology Training Program (AITP) is a two-to-three year program that is open only to postdoctoral candidates (MD with/without PhD) who have completed medical school, after two years of clinical training. Research and mentors will be identified within the clinical training years and are usually identified within the intern year of residency.
The program involves mentored research training, protected completely from clinical responsibility upon completion of two years of clinical training. Every resident in General and Thoracic Surgery commits to two years of research, after their second or
third year of residency.
Institution: University of Minnesota
Program Director: Andrew Adams, MD, PhD
Description: The Transplant Immunology Training Program at the University of Minnesota is seeking 1 postdoctoral trainee (surgical resident) to join our comprehensive transplant immunology laboratory for two or three years. Our research training program is geared toward training the next generation of transplant surgeon-scientists. Candidates will have the opportunity to be involved in several different areas of transplant research, ranging from basic science studies in murine models to translational studies in non-human primate (NHP) models as well as clinical research. Research areas include xenotransplantation, studies of costimulation blockade in murine and NHP models, ex-vivo perfusion, and clinical transplant outcomes.
We are located at the University of Minnesota, in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Our laboratory is connected to the University of Minnesota Medical Center, and is composed of graduate students, post-doctoral research fellows, technicians and undergraduate students.
Program Director: Peter Stock, MD; Minnie Sarwal, MD, PhD
Contact: t32favortraining@ucsf.edu
Deadline for 2026-2028 Period: November 2025
Description: The goal of FAVOR T32 is to prepare the T32 research fellows to train and inspire a unique cadre of surgeon-scientists to translate astute observations at the bedside, in the operating room, and in the clinic into novel hypotheses that can be interrogated through immunology-focused translational research. Trainees will receive in-depth training in translational research to prepare them for careers as academic transplant surgeons. FAVOR trainees will devote ≥ 90% time effort to research for 2 years, guided by two mentors of their choice selected from a Core Faculty Member list, the first a clinical mentor and the second a scientific mentor (basic or translational). The FAVOR T32 program will enable surgical residents who have been accepted in the program to develop their research careers in the dual bench to bedside model for translational research.
Program Director: Daniela Ladner, MD, MPH; Richard Green, MD; University of Northwestern
Contact: Katie Crylen, kcrylen@nm.org
Description: The Transplant Surgery Scientist Training Program (TSSTP) is a two- or three-year mentored research training program designed for academically oriented postdoctoral MDs and PhDs interested in pursuing a career in transplantation
and transplant surgery–related research. The T32 grant provides a stipend, tuition, fees for coursework, travel funds and health insurance. The TSSTP is focused on exposing fellows to scholars and investigators from different disciplines and
fields. We instituted an innovative research model, which we have termed the Modular Approach to Transplantation Research by Inter-disciplinary eXperts (MATRIX). This construct allows for focused inter- and trans-disciplinary collaborations that converge
on transplant-related issues, providing a unique environment, rich in mentors of various levels. We have two tracks available to trainees: Northwestern University Transplant Outcomes Research Collaborative (NUTORC) or Northwestern University Collaborative
for Transplant Research in Immunobiology and Biomedical Engineering (NUCTRIBE). Both tracks provide intensive, rigorous training by multidisciplinary senior, mid-level and junior mentors as well as classroom education. All trainees will also complete
a core curriculum consisting of courses in the responsible conduct for research, ethical issues in clinical research, grantsmanship and writing for publication. Trainees will be able to take additional courses in their area of focus. Trainees in the
NUTORC research track can choose between a Masters Degree in Health Services and Outcomes Research, Public Health, Clinical Investigation, Epidemiology and Biostatistics or Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety.
Description: Through partnership with the ISHLT Foundation, ISHLT currently provides over $800,000 in funding annually in the form of Research Grants. These grants focus on a variety of topics but are all aimed at achieving ISHLT's mission—improving
the care of patients with advanced heart or lung disease through transplantation, mechanical support and innovative therapies.
Institution: Society of Black Academic Surgeons
The SBAS Intuitive Career Development Award spans 2 years and provides $100,000 to the awardee to support direct costs for research.
To be eligible, an applicant must be an active, dues-paying SBAS member, plus:
Joel Adler, MD, MPH | AHRQ
Sylvester Black, MD, PhD | NIDDK
Robert Cannon, MD | NIDDK
Edward Cantu, MD | NHLBI
Ronald Cotton, MD | NICHD
William Fagg, PhD | NIGMS
OH Frazier, MD | NHLBI
Sommer Gentry, PhD | NHLBI
Adam Griesemer, MD | NIDDK
Matthew Hartwig, MD | NHLBI
Peter Heeger, MD | NIAID
Kishore Iyer, FACS, MBBS, FRCS | AHRQ
Fady Kaldas, MD, FACS | NIAID
Liise Kayler, MD | NIDDK
Varvara Kirchner, MD | NIA
Macey Levan, JD, PhD | NIDDK
Lisa McElroy, MD | NIMHD
Ali Naji, MD | NIAID
Greg Nowak, MD, PhD | NIAID
Andrew Posselt, MD, PhD | NIDDK
Austin Schenk, MD, PhD | NICHD
Abraham Shaked, MD, PhD | NIAID
Peter Stock, MD, PhD | NICHD
Korkut Uygun, PhD | NIDDK, NIBIB
Khashayar Vakili, MD | NCI
Joshua Weiner, MD | NIAID
Bryan Whitson, MD, PhD | NHLBI
Kai Zhao, MD | NIDCD
One of the top podcasts for surgical education, "Behind the Knife" offers a series on transplant, which features top transplant surgeons.
Explore the Transplant SeriesExplore this open-access education platform for trainees! Built and managed by AASLD.
Learn moreShort and sweet surgical videos that cover important topics such as transplant immunology, AV fistulas, peritoneal dialysis, and more!
Explore transplant videos