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Ginny L. Bumgardner, MD, PhD

Dec 5, 2018, 09:08 AM by User Not Found
Dr. Ginny Bumgardner

I am delighted and excited to be part of this inaugural ASTS Foundation Board of Directors! Giving to the ASTS Foundation is a way to ensure that the ASTS has the resources to deliver high quality and timely programs and products and to respond to emerging needs related to patient care, public policy, research, education, and training. ASTS activities and priorities are driven by the ideas and work performed by its members in council, committees, task forces, response to surveys, etc., so in a sense each of our contributions is an extension of our work together as a team on important initiatives.

The ASTS is our professional home where our collective efforts are focused on promoting excellence and innovation in all that we do for our patients, our members, and our future workforce. It is an enduring focal point for debate, support, and camaraderie in a challenging field. I contribute to ensure the vitality of the ASTS as an organizational leader and think tank in all areas of transplantation now and in the future. The amount of the contribution is not as important as the act of purposeful and consistent giving. Please join your colleagues in solidifying an unequivocal culture of philanthropy!