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DonorNet® Improvement From Winter Meeting Event

Mar 20, 2019, 13:04 PM by User Not Found
The initial goal at the ASTS event was to add a “find candidate” feature on the DonorNet® match page to help transplant hospitals easily search through their potential recipients and manage organ offers.
The project took on a life of its own as discussions led to a different solution that provided more value: displaying additional candidate information in the main columns on the match page to aid in decision making. As a result, changes to the kidney and liver match screens will be effective March 20.
  • Remove SSN from main view*
  • Add Height
  • Add Weight
  • Add BMI
  • Add EPTS
  • Add Dialysis time
  • Add # of previous kidney transplants
  • Remove SSN from main view*
  • Add Height
  • Add Weight
  • Add BMI
  • Add # previous liver transplants
*Users can still drill down to see the SSN.
Thanks to everyone who participated and helped make this happen!