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AMA Medicare Physican Payment System Letter to Senate March 10, 2011 pdf 18 KB DownloadAMA Medicare Physican Payment System Letter to Senate March 10, 2011
AMA Medicare Physician Payment System Letter to House March 10, 2011 pdf 18 KB DownloadAMA Medicare Physician Payment System Letter to House March 10, 2011
AMA - Burdensome Regulations April 13, 2011 pdf 79 KB DownloadAMA - Burdensome Regulations April 13, 2011
Legislative Update - Continuing Resolution Memo February 17, 2011 pdf 62 KB DownloadLegislative Update - Continuing Resolution Memo February 17, 2011
Legislative Update - ACA Essential Health Benefits - IOM Committee Meeting January 28, 2011 pdf 156 KB DownloadLegislative Update - ACA Essential Health Benefits - IOM Committee Meeting January 28, 2011
Legislative Update - ACA Health Benefits December 17, 2010 pdf 70 KB DownloadLegislative Update - ACA Health Benefits December 17, 2010
Medicaid Coverage (Arizona) Executive Summary October 29, 2010 pdf 53 KB DownloadMedicaid Coverage (Arizona) Executive Summary October 29, 2010
Tort Reform - HEALTH Act 2011 Letter to House January 25, 2011 pdf 14 KB DownloadTort Reform - HEALTH Act 2011 Letter to House January 25, 2011
Legislative Update - Healthcare Reform - SGR Extended One Month March 18, 2010 pdf 108 KB DownloadLegislative Update - Healthcare Reform - SGR Extended One Month March 18, 2010
Immunosuppressive Drug Coverage House and Senate Letter February 24, 2010_02.24.10 pdf 38 KB DownloadImmunosuppressive Drug Coverage House and Senate Letter February 24, 2010_02.24.10
Organ Donation Transplant Funding Senate Letter April 1, 2009 pdf 111 KB DownloadOrgan Donation Transplant Funding Senate Letter April 1, 2009
Immunosuppressive Drug Coverage - Energy and Commerce Letter July 1, 2009 pdf 83 KB DownloadImmunosuppressive Drug Coverage - Energy and Commerce Letter July 1, 2009
2009 Appropriations Bills February 26, 2009 pdf 27 KB Download2009 Appropriations Bills February 26, 2009
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act February 23, 2009 pdf 39 KB DownloadAmerican Recovery and Reinvestment Act February 23, 2009
Organ Donation Programs Funding Request March 26, 2009 pdf 6 KB DownloadOrgan Donation Programs Funding Request March 26, 2009
Organ Donation Transplant Roundtable Senate Letter April 1, 2009 pdf 5 KB DownloadOrgan Donation Transplant Roundtable Senate Letter April 1, 2009
Immunosuppressive Drug Coverage House Bill Text June 16, 2009 pdf 169 KB DownloadImmunosuppressive Drug Coverage House Bill Text June 16, 2009
Immunosuppressive Drug Coverage Senate Bill Text June 16, 2009 pdf 169 KB DownloadImmunosuppressive Drug Coverage Senate Bill Text June 16, 2009
Immunosuppressive Drug Coverage Senate Finance Committee Letter July 1, 2009 pdf 84 KB DownloadImmunosuppressive Drug Coverage Senate Finance Committee Letter July 1, 2009
Immunosuppresive Drug Coverage - Ways and Means Letter July 1, 2009 pdf 82 KB DownloadImmunosuppresive Drug Coverage - Ways and Means Letter July 1, 2009